Inner child coaching with Cornelle

Inner Child Coaching

Healing the inner child is a very intensive process that works very deeply and changes lives forever for the better.

Just a little explanation about "inner child" (sorry if you already know of course), what it is and what influence it has on your life.

Imagine :" You're 4 years old and it's Sunday. You (your mom & dad & sister /brother) are going to a party. Your mum has picked out a beautiful dress for you, white with short sleeves.You can put on your socks upstairs, mom says. You proudly come down with 2 different socks that you just love... The remark: "have you gone completely crazy now, it doesn't say that at all, OFF those socks. I'll get them, you don't understand!

You don't understand what's wrong with those socks. It was your choice... Emotionally, you're cracked. You don't make choices, you don't do them anymore, you adapt. You felt strong and proud now you're scared and vulnerable.

You have become very alert because you want to be found sweet and smart, to belong, to be seen. Your emotional body (inner child) is not really growing any further. By feeling things and doing this you now know, that is not allowed because I have become "crazy". This is your inner child speaking. In order not to hurt the inner child any further, you are going to adapt to your environment and the part of you that has stayed young, is innocent and suffers.

No self-confidence, no self-respect, no self-recognition and no self-love.

If you really don't know, feel or understand what makes you still don't really know, feel or understand yourself, then inner child work is by far the most effective way to heal. You are going to realise, acknowledge that what was your choice in the past to emotionally separate yourself from reality now makes you feel "uprooted".

The reason why becomes visible and step by step you will get to know yourself more emotionally which will make you more balanced. Our maturity, our mental strength is going to help our inner child to get confidence to be allowed to be. We let it grow from self-respect and respect, to self-confidence and trust then comes the self-recognition and recognition of being allowed to be until we work on the last step the self-love and love for everything that is.

This process allows us to grow emotionally so that we are more resilient and mature in our dealings with the outside world. We feel ourselves and dare to say what we really feel, because it is our own feeling now. Life gets more content, more meaning and we now dare to pick up our birthright and say.

THIS IS ME... you finally feel that you're alive, happinezz in width and depth.

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Cornelle's Happinezz & Energy coaching©

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